
Friday, April 01, 2005

Okay, so I was just fucking around with Google Ride Finder, which may or may not be an April Fool's joke. I was wandering around the map of Chicago, and came across the intersection of Wells and Ontario. That's where Gino's is, and now that I thought about it I'm really mad. It's obviously too late for this weekend, but I am totally up for ordering in the next couple of days if you two are in. Portillos also has online ordering. Shit be expensive, and it won't taste as good as being there, but damn. Well, a hundred bucks for four pizzas isn't too bad when you consider what we'd spend in the restaurant. Of course, I think the pizzas you can order online are mediums, and we'd get booze in restaurant, but that's cheaper at home anyway. Plus, if we have any leftovers, we don't need to track down a homeless guy to offload it.
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