
Thursday, May 13, 2004

Hopefully I'll check the 'blog here before we leave, because I also wanted to remember to get the # of your mortgage lender tonight.
I'll probably get off work around 6:30, head home to pack, do all of my paranoid delusional checks, say goodbye to the Girls, and head over to your place.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

So, I'm ready to be in Chicago now.
So I modified my blog. I changed the title too. You already know what it is but, yeah.
Um, yeah. Just trying to liven things up a bit around here.

Monday, May 10, 2004

I was thinking the same thing. I really shouldn't be wasting money on full-price games considering my videogame ADHD (VGADHD).
Yup, me too. I keep seeing it and I'm like, that looks nice. I may wait until it goes down in price though.
I'm kinda tempted to get that game that Penny Arcade was talking about today. It just looks cute.
I would have commented but comments were down a few minutes ago.
Hey, look at me I'm posting (as opposed to commenting) just like they taught us in practice.
Yeah, you got it.
Oh, okay, that's why.
Any particular reason for this outburst? Not like you need a reason.
Fuck Vegans!

Sorry... Fuck Pretentious Vegans! Wait... I repeated myself.
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