
Saturday, June 19, 2004

Fire up your "looking for an Asian girlfriend" t-shirts. 

Our chance to make fun of stupid anime fans who are there just because they're into anime is next weekend.
You might want to hold off on buying that Star Trek movie box sex. Generations is coming out on special edition Sept. 7. I don't know if they're going to make one big uber box with all 10 movies or not at some point, but it may be worth waiting to find out.

Friday, June 18, 2004

I couldn't remember if you've ordered from Big Bad Toy Store and if you get their letter, but this is fucking cool news:

TAKARA ANNOUNCES #16 RE-ISSUE SET - INSECTICONS! The next re-issue set from Takara will be the timeless G1 Insecticons - Bombshell, Kickback, and Shrapnel. Demand for the original G1 versions has steadily grown so its great to see a re-issue. All three figures will be packaged together in the #16 box and pre-orders are available for $39.99 (Takara priced this one a bit higher than the standard release since there are 3 figures included)

Also, I will get you my .fvwm2rc file sometime soon. I don't think I ever sent it to you, so I'll go through it and add some comments. Just keep bugging me if I'm lazy or I forget.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Hey, did you need my porn script? I noticed some Google hits on the subject that look like they came from you.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Possible Road Trip 

Want to go to Little Rock?
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